Reading List 2012-

Monday, 14 May 2012

21st Century Psalm

I guess the Psalms are full of laments and examples of man calling out to God. My feelings are often well captured in their lines. Often in the Psalms we find reference to enemies or oppressors, presumably hostile foreign tribes, factions within David's court and other flesh and bone threats. However, when I read Psalms like this one, Psalm 42, I also hear another cry, a voice calling to be rescued from oppression of the soul, a melancholy pleading to be lifted up, to be strengthened against the everyday 'foes' which assault us all.
With that in mind I wrote out part of the Psalm, the part that seemed to make this call the loudest. I then tried to rewrite it in away which, I hope, conveyed the more general, everyday cry of a believer to their Lord, the cry of a child of God calling for their Saviour to set them free.

9 I say to God my rock,                                9 My God has always been there for me, solid as a rock.
"Why have you forgotten me?                      But just now I feel like he has gone,
Why must I go about mourning,                   that he has forgotten me-it gets me wondering.
oppressed by the enemy?"                            Am I going to have to put up with being dragged down 
10 My bones suffer mortal agony                 by life? Am I going to feel empty and sore inside forever?
as my foes taunt me,                                     10 Sometimes its like everything I know is laughing at me.
saying to me all day long,                             It makes me sick to the bone,
"Where is your God?"                                   as the world sings it's mocking song,
                                                                      "Where is your God?" 
11 Why are you downcast, O my soul?        11 Why am I so empty, so depressed? 
Why so disturbed within me?                       All these chaotic, confusing, misleading thoughts, why?
Put your hope in God                                    My only hope, my ticket out of this mess is God.
for I will yet praise Him                               I know that one day soon I will look to Him again and say,
my Saviour and my God.                             "My Saviour and my God".

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