Spending alot of time thinking about Ezekiel and his valley of dry bones. I think I am feeling acutely the lack of God's vital spark that transforms us from mere dry bones into 'beautiful things'. Over the last year I have come across three pieces of music which I feel have encapsulated this feeling of emptiness, yet an emptiness still tinged with hope, with a realisation that although we do not always feel Him, God is always there. These three tracks have also, I think shown me the way back to God and that is through worshipping Him no matter how low I feel, no matter how dry and empty. In that way as my dry bones cry out to him he is making me into something new.
So first up we have Gungor. An American group with a clean, pure sound which rings like a bell in my soul. Gungor-Dry bones.
Next up another from Gungor. Beautiful things. When I feel I am nothing I remember in this song that I am but through God I can be made into something.
Third and final track is from the Rend Collective Experiment's latest album, the album which inspired the title of this blog, Handmade worship for handmade people. RCE are excellent and provide for me a form of muscular worship, warts and all that does not slide into the banality of some contemporary worship songs which might be classified as 'Jesus is my boyfriend' music. If you aren't part of the collective it is time you were!
Rend Collective experiment-Desert soul
Sorry to bore with own taste in Christian music but I hope you get something out of it, I do.
"Desert Soul" by Rend Collective has had a major impact on me this year - and others I know too. It is a real cry from the heart, to be filled anew. I'll enjoy checking out the other two track too - many thanks for sharing!