So a minister of the Free Church of Scotland was preaching with liberty from the front of a church in the Western Isles (might have been Harris, might have been Lewis, the truth has been lost in the retelling). Unusually for a wee free church in the islands it was large and even more unusually it was full. It must have been a funeral. Indeed it was so large it boasted a balcony and whats more there were people occupying it. As I said the minister was preaching and as he came to the end of his exposition, he drew the congregation together in prayer. Now in the Free Church of Scotland it is customary to stand to pray (and sit to sing) so the body of the kirk stood and as one bowed their heads. Just as the minister was about to start he spotted a man in the front row of the balcony. He was wearing a rather poor wig and as he started to bow his head it slipped off and fell from the balcony and down amongst the pews below. Barely able to stifle a gasp and struck with embarrassed horror the minister stood transfixed. His horror was compounded as he saw a lady in the pews below bend down and retrieve the fallen toupee. She rose, holding the hairpiece with a bemused appearance on her face. The minister, realising he has been standing in silence as this set-piece unfolded in front of him, falteringly started to pray aloud, but kept an eye on the unfolding drama. The lady with the wig looked around, spotted that the man in the pew in front was as bald as an egg.... The final piece of the puzzle fell into place for her and she gently placed the wig onto the head of the bald man standing to her front.
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